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The Surprising Power of AI in Mental Health: Eleanor’s Journey

Eleanor, a 35-year-old from Italy, has been dealing with panic attacks and anxiety for over a decade, beginning when she was 22. Despite undergoing psychotherapy and taking medication, she experienced a relapse in recent years. Though not as frequent as before, she now faces panic attacks in specific situations and has developed health anxiety, compounded by the stress of her demanding job as a researcher, which also comes with job insecurity.

One of Eleanor’s greatest challenges is the fear of not being able to live as freely as she did before anxiety took hold. Despite being open about her mental health, she sought additional support and turned to Wysa. Initially skeptical about the effectiveness of chatting with an AI for mental health issues, she was pleasantly surprised by how helpful Wysa proved to be.

The meditations, relaxation exercises, and sleep stories provided by Wysa became integral parts of Eleanor’s daily routine, aiding her in calming panic attacks and easing her fears, especially regarding her health. Chatting with the AI also helped her shift her anxious thoughts to more rational ones.

Eleanor gradually built a routine incorporating relaxation techniques, particularly before bedtime, which helped her realize that she could relax and that anxiety is not permanent. Though she now uses Wysa less frequently as she’s feeling better, she finds comfort in knowing that it’s there to help her if her anxiety worsens. She believes it’s a valuable tool for managing stress and anxiety when other resources aren’t readily available or during a panic attack.

You can try Wysa for yourself by downloading it from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store today.

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